Tuesday, November 26, 2013


                                                                  PRESS RELEASE

“11 lakh unemployed youth registered with Employment Exchanges.  In Delhi.   Only 11 thousand got employed in 10 years ”

On his pre-election trail, Professor Jagdish Mukhi addressed the voters and party workers from ward 119 of the Janakpuri constituency.
Walking through South Extension parts !-II and III , Dayalsar road and Z block Uttam nagar , the BJP candidate listed out the total failure of the Congress government in Delhi so far providing new jobs was concerned . He was accompanied by MCD Counselor Anil Sabharwal and Mandal Adhyaksha Yudhveer Singh. Over a hundred male and female party workers joined Prof. Mukhi in the door to door canvassing.
“Over the last decade, Delhi government could provide employment to only 3000 job seekers besides the 8000 DTC Bus drivers.
The year wise statistics reveals how indifferent the Congress government has been to the unemployment situation in the national capital. In the year 2003 only 426 registered unemployed got employment. The figures f or the successive years are 167 in 2004, 107 in 2005, 223 in 2006, 105 in 2007, 23 in 2008, 16 in 2009, 175 in 2011 and just 1349 in the year 2012. These official figures show how dismal has been the unemployment situation under Congress rule.

Government of Delhi spent around Rs. 80 crores over the last ten years on Employment Exchanges. There are around 40 lakh families in Delhi.
From these families 11 lakh unemployed persons are registered with the employment exchanges. There are many more unemployed who are not registered. It is a shameful situation that over a period of ten years , the Congress government in Delhi could not provide jobs to even 1 % unemployed persons .

Delhi has no scheme for any relief by way of unemp0loyment allowance
although it spends over Rs. 4000 crores on beautification of Cannaught Place and other parts of New Delhi. There is no provision for any relief to unemployed youth even in the budget for the current financial year.”
Professor Jaghdish Mukhi said, “People of Delhi have suffered for long the abnormally high Electricity rates, Bus fares and VAT. They have now seen through the anti-people side of the Congress face. They shall
teach those in power a lesson on December 4 this year through their ballot. ”

Narendra Chawla

Media Incharge

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